Saturday, January 22, 2011

Snow and More Snow

This past week we were hit with 10+ inches of snow! Now to some of you that is nothing but we have not had that much snow since 1982! I remember that winter because I thought we would get snowed in like they did once on Little House on the Prairie. I remember opening the door and hoping (not sure how) that on the other side it would be all snow and we wouldn't be able to get out! Luckily for the sanity of my Mother, that did not happen!

Since we are all still fighting some sort of cold, I did not want the boys to stay out too long. It took us a good 20 minutes to get bundled up so we could go play for all of 10 minutes! 

I think he might get lost!

My little devil made a great angel!
We really had a great time though. However Zachary fell down face first in the snow, busted his lip a tiny bit and lost a glove! He's a tough cookie and still giggled! Jonathan just had a blast! Jason plans on taking him sledding tomorrow so we will see how that goes!

Jonathan is doing great at school. Coming out of his shell, improving in all areas and reading to me! It baffles my mind what he can do now! We try to read every night and I swear every night he knows a few more words. It's great!

Zachary still refuses to go on the potty and still wakes up screaming one or 2 times a night and will end up in my bed by midnight. I don't know if it is his sleep apnea, night terrors or habit. Jonathan out grew it by 3 so maybe Z will out grow it soon...I hope!

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