Monday, October 13, 2008

Fall already?

I can't believe that 2008 is coming to an end soon. My little Z will be 1 year old in 6 weeks and Jonathan will be 4 in about 10 weeks. Ugh! It is so hard to believe and so tough to decide what to do for birthdays when there is always a holiday in the way!!!

The boys are getting over ear infections and I am getting over bronchitis. It was such fun times in the Foster house...NOT!

Jonathan is loving preschool and can't wait to go. I know he would love to go everyday if he could. He adores his teacher. I love hearing him talk about his day and the kids in his class. He seems so grown up. He asked if he could be Thomas (the train) for Halloween again and if Z could be Percy. Well we can't find a baby Percy costume so we are hoping Z can be a conductor. We'll see what I can come up with. J is very eager to head on down to AL and stay with Grandma and Grandpa. Oh and he got his hair cut at a big boy place with Daddy! He is so proud and he didn't cry at all!!! FINALLY!

Z is doing great as well. He gave up his binky this past weekend and it made me sad. Laugh all you want but to think of my last baby giving up some of his baby stuff makes me sad. However, if he would give up his 1 and 4am feedings, I would NOT be sad at all. I have noticed him trying to climb over stuff lately and it is so cute. He loves to clap and play patty cake and so big. He is obsessed with giving me wet is so sweet.

My Dad left for FL on 10/1 but had to return today for his friends funeral. I'm a bit worried about him because I know how hard the first funeral after Mom's was for me and I can only imagine how hard it will be for him. Poor Dad.

I will try to share some new pics in a few days.

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