Tuesday, February 17, 2009

15 Month Well Baby

Today Zachary had his 15 month well baby check up. He is a on a delayed vaccination schedule due to his chemo last year. Boy, that sounds nice..."last year". Today he got another HiB, DPT, 1st polio and one for a baby pnuemonia. He knew it was coming and my poor boy freaked. He only cried for a few minutes but to see him anticipating the shots was awful.

He is 20lbs (down 1 lb from his 12 month) and is 31". On the NS chart he is 75th for weight and 90th for height but on the normal charts he is 50th for height and less than 5th for weight. He was showing off for Dr. Kate as he usually does. We both feel his soft spot is a little smaller, but not much. The neurosurgeon never called me back so I need to call him again to see how long we watch it or what the next step is.

I am to call Dr. Kate in 6 wks if he is not walking and we will then go for the physical therapy. She told me she thinks Z is growing fine at this point but encouraged me to ask the geneticist about growth hormone therapy and what we will look for to determine if he will need it. I suspect it is a bit of a "wait and see" type of thing.

He will do lots of games with your hands and loves to play peek a boo and say "boo". He tries to put his clothes and shoes on...he knows where it all goes...can say about 10 words and knows that my hair clip goes in your hair. LOL He doesn't stand yet and while I know not to compare, we all know it is hard not to. I was looking at pics of Jonathan at his age and WOW he looked like a little man. He was brushing his teeth and was just so big. I look at my little Zachary and hes still such a baby...well looks like it. Someone said to me, "How old is he, about 8 months?". DOH nope, just a peanut! He is doing things in his own time. He does now pull himself up in his crib and I have to say, it is the sweetest little thing! Of course tonight Jonathan was in his crib w/him and really, they can't fit in there side by side and I'm sure they are WAY over the weight limit but I hate separating them. I talked Jonathan into coming out and know he just loves his baby so much.

I mean really, look at the love here...Zachary cracks me up because I see both his grandpas in him. He's a good mix! And Jonathan, I'd say he looks like Jason, but has my temper.

1 comment:

Sherry said...

I know it's tough not to compare when you have JD as your "measuring stick." As long as Z is moving forward and not back, take that as reassurance that he's doing well.

I love the pic of the boys. So, so sweet.