As if the boy hasn't had enough issues he ends up with Fifth's Disease. I was so proud that we were 3 full weeks w/o a trip to the pediatrician's office and he woke up from his nap on Tuesday with a beat red face and inside the red was a lacey rash. My first thought was that he had measles, mumps or rubella because this is one shot he has not had yet. But nope, just fifth's disease that is a virus that really doesn't do much unless your newly pregnant or already have a compromised immune system. Most people have had it and do not even realize it. We saw Dr. M. and she also pointed out his left ear was red. I told her we go Monday to see the ENT at Glennon on Monday. So she said if he got to feeling worse before then to give her a call.
While we were at this appointment my niece/sitter, Chelsea, was at her appt. She is 36 weeks pregnant and they said she is 4cm dialated! DOH! I told her that I did not want Jonathan delivering her baby...ha ha ha. She is very brave and acted like it was no big deal. If this was me, I'd be sitting in the hospital parking lot w/my bags. Hopefully this little boy won't make his debut too fast!
I met with First Seps yesterday afternoon too. Z will have PT once a month and our 6 month goals are to have him walking and crawling up steps. I selected a therapist and hopefully she can fit our schedule. A friends sister in law works with her and when I realized the school she worked at I asked if I could have her. Fingers crossed she can take us on.
After dinner Jonathan and I went w/my sister Debbie and her family to my mom's grave. Mother's day is just a little hard. Mom is buried at a National Cemetery and this place is huge and gorgeous...I know sounds strange. I mean it is just breath-taking and so serene. It was about 7pm and on our way out we saw a cluster of 8 deer! They were all over. I bet we saw about 30 of them! They were not afraid and let Debbie get really close to take a picture. They just seemed so relaxed and peaceful and they were watching us! Jonathan said he wanted to catch one of them! Yikes! I knew that mom was watching these deer and she was at peace. I think any future visits to mom will be in the evening so we can watch the deer.
Well I better go. I have to get ready for the day!
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