Thursday, November 20, 2008

Thanksgiving Feast

Today I volunteered at Jonathan's preschool to work at the Thanksgiving feast. Did you know that 16 3 years olds are exhausting? Yet, some of them are so loving and sweet that they make it all worth it. One little girl came up and hugged me and sat on my lap. How sweet.
We played for a bit, rehearsed the "show" they were going to put on for us and then I left to help set up for the feast. Several moms were there and we chatted a bit. One mom said to me, "Oh you are Jonathan's mom? He was the little boy I had to try and get out of the maze at the pumpkin patch. He didn't want to get out!". Hm, how do I take that? Was that a, "your kid is a brat" statement or just a comment. I don't know. I felt kind of bad. Yet did I tell her that while we were playing her little boy was snatching toys from a little girl? Nah, I bit my tongue. I know my kid isn't perfect and I don't want him to be. I was just over sensitive because I want him to be good for everyone! Oh well, he's 3. He did do very well today and I was so very proud of him. He shared toys, played with the kids and then sat quietly and looked at a book. What? He never does that at home!
Here are a few pics from his show:

Well Zachary will be one tomorrow. This time last year I was spend my last night with just one kid. I had no idea what the year ahead had in store for me. Goes to show, you can't plan your life, you can only live it!
I meant to post this earlier but if you could say a few prayers for Jason's cousin Jarrin. He was diagnosed with a brain tumor almost 2 weeks ago. You can read Jarrin's story here. I know his family would appreciate any extra prayers that could be sent his way. We all know the power of prayer.

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