Tuesday, August 4, 2009

20 month Evaluation

Monday night Ms. Elena, from Parents as Teachers came over to conduct Z's 20 month evaluation. JD was a complete terror bur Ms. E is a mother of 6 and kept saying, "I understand. Don't worry. Mine do that too.". Bless her heart.

Anyway, we managed to complete's Z's evaluation. He is scoring above average on Personal/Social skills and Problem Solving...he's my charming little thinker! He was on target for fine motor skills. And as we expected, he was delayed in gross motor skills and communication. I asked if she felt he needed further evaluation and she said in her opinion she felt that as he grows more confident and stronger in his physical abilities then the rest will fall into place and to give him time. She was very excited to see how he has grown and what all he was doing since her last visit in May.

As I mentioned in another post, Z will take a few steps between 2 people or objects. His stop button is currently not working so he goes until he stops. I managed to get it on video so enjoy!

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