Happy New Year!
I am hoping 2009 is a much happier year than 2007 and 2008 were. Obviously each of those years had some good times but they were both really hard years.
I am optimistic but if I could get my kids healthy and let them STAY healthy I'd feel much more optimistic.
Zachary has been on 3 rounds of antibiotics since October 1st. He had the croup, ear infections, bronchitis and a virus. On the 26th I took him to the doc suspecting yet another ear infection...nope all was clear so that was good. Yet 2 days later his cough comes back a bit stronger. New Years Day I notice green stuff oozing from his eyes...not good. I take him in on the 2nd and we see a new doc in the office, Dr. Rachel. She is very nice and i told her how he has been sick since Oct with the exception of a week or 2. She told me she wanted to try and knock this out and gave him a stronger antibiotic because this time he had bronchitis (3rd time in his short little life), double ear infection (lost count of how many) and conjunctvitis of the eye. It is similar to pink eye, yet it is not pink eye. My friend calls it eyebola! I'm going to steal that from her!
So while Z's eyes got better and I can tell the bronchitis moved out of his chest, Jonathan starts oozing green goo from his eyes! GREAT! Eyebola has invaded the Foster's! So back we go to see Dr. Kate. She says, "Oh that is the worst case I have ever seen. Poor baby. But don't touch me!". ha ha and I heard her tell the nurse to spray down the room with Lysol. I expect I will come down with eyebola next week and have yet another visit w/Dr. Kate. I told her that and requested my own parking space and spot in the waiting room. They are expanding the office and I am sure my frequent visits over the past year have helped pay for it so she said she would have "Foster Family Couch" for us.
After our visit with Dr. Kate and run to the Pharmacy we headed down to the children's hospital for Z's appt. with the neurosurgeon. It took about 2 hours for seriously, 10 min w/the doctor. GGGRRRR! And I bet it cost me half my deductible too! Hmmm, what is the life time out of pocket maximum??? LOL However, he said it should have closed by 12 months but can take 24 months but his is a bit large for his age and it is getting hard but they want to do a CT scan. Since he never had one done before this one is more or less just to have something to base any changes on. If there is a problem, they will call me to come in and if not, we will just watch it and see what happens in the next few months. They are going to call me to schedule the CT scan in the next few days.
Next week, we meet with the geneticist. I will update after that.
We do have something to celebrate...Zachary can now pull himself up on to the couch. I don't trust him to stand too long alone but he can hold on to that couch and beam with pride!
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