Sunday, March 2, 2008


Good news all around...the RSV test was negative and his WBC was down to 13.9K and his monocytes down to 11%. He had a rash but I think it was one of them flukey baby things.

I meant to update earlier but we had some nice weather and took advantage of it doing yardwork.

Z is doing well. I am now convinced his cough is from his reflux as I've read a million times but never accepted. I counted his breaths after eating and they were around 53 per minute. But 30 minutes later it was 37 so I am convinced it is the reflux. He is very happy and content.

We go tomorrow for his abdominal US at 2pm CST. I won't know anything until his doc gets the results but I will update soon!


1Supergirl said...

RIGHT ON!!! We are so glad!!
Judith and Darin

Denise said...

I am hoping for good news for you.