Thursday, February 28, 2008

Here comes another big bump

Well we saw the pediatrician today. The GI doc actually had already called her and expressed concern for Z's cough. She told Dr. Kate that his lungs sounded clear but she wanted a 2nd opinion. Dr. Kate and Dr. Liz suspect RSV or a cold. They did the RSV swap and we will know by Monday if that is what he has. For now I have to count his breaths per minute and if it gets above 40 I call Dr. Kate and above 60 I go to the ER. His oxygen level was at 99 so that is good news. He is still eating so I am not real worried about dehydration. The good part of this is that if it is RSV or a cold, it can be the cause of his WBC rising and his spleen being enlarged. I never thought I'd wish a virus or RSV on my child but it sure would be better than JMML!

If it is RSV, let me tell you something, the Insurance company will hear from me b/c they denied him the RSV vaccine so look out! I nearly called them today but Jason told me to calm down and wait for the test results. Fine. So he gets the brunt of my bad mood...poor guy!

The nurse comes tomorrow and will weigh him and take his blood. I will then talk to Dr. Rob about all this and get his opinion.

Gotta go finish the dishes while the house is quiet.

1 comment:

msfitzita said...

I hope Z's cold symptoms are easing, and I hope you get the test results very, very soon. I've been thinking about you both.
