Monday, February 18, 2008

Absolutely Incredible!

Today, Tish, the home nurse came out to weigh Zachary. Dr. Rob wanted to make sure he didn't lose more weight. Well so did I! So I started offering him 4-5oz each feeding and putting in like 4 or 5 tsp of rice cereal. He went from eating an average of 17oz a day to about 22 oz a day! Wow! I truly think he had a touch of the stomach bug that I had last weekend. It was not a nice one and I think he had a bit of it. He is now back to being a normal baby and only puking 1-2 times a day!

And his weight, ready for 4 days the little booger went from 8lbs and 14oz to 9lbs and 9oz! HOLY CRAP! Can you believe that? Yesterday he ate 26 oz and only puked 1 time!

I'm afraid Jonathan has an ear infection. He tends to get an earache and then if it is an infection he wakes up at like 1am with a fever and screaming. Well Friday he told me his ear hurt and his neck did. I had planned on taking him to the doctor Saturday morning especially when he had a fever of 100.4 Friday night. Well he woke up at 5am with a fever of 100.9 and an ear ache but then the fever went away and he said his ear was all better. I shouldn't have listened because I didn't take him in Saturday night the fever came back. Sunday we gave him Tylenol and ear drops and he was fine. Then he woke up today and said he was all better and didn't need to see Dr. "Cake" (aka Kate). Let's hope it stays away!!!

Ok Jonathan has his plastic bat and is pretending to be a pirate...Gotta go!!!


Lori said...

What an awesome weight gain! Go Z!

I hope Jonathan is feeling better!

msfitzita said...

That's an amazing weight gain! Good job mommy!!!!!!