Sunday, February 24, 2008

Late Update...

Sorry for the delay, the winter storm and our first real day trip as a family of four kept me a bit busy and stressed! I bow down to those of you with more than 2 kids...I will not be joining that group! ha ha ha!

Anyway, Zachary gained 2 oz in 3 days and is now up to 9lbs and 11oz!!! His WBC went up to 19K but we are still in the "OK" range. We will do this all again next Thursday!

He has been a bit fussy and has a bit of a cough but his lungs are clear. I get nervous about that but I know the reflux can mess with his throat. We got see the GI on Wednesday so I plan to ask her lots of questions.

We got their pictures back and they turned out cute even though Z was a bit sleepy. He has changed so much since we had them taken. Now I have to make sure we bought enough!

Gotta run, the house is quiet so I need to clean!


msfitzita said...

What a big boy!! YAY for such a great weight gain!

I'm SO glad the WBC is still in the okay range.

Are we going to see some of these new pictures? Poke. Poke. Poke.

Denise said...

That's great news that he is gaining weight.
Does he feel OK despite everything? I hope so.