Tuesday, February 5, 2008

And down we go...

We went to see Dr. Rob today and he hasn't seen Z in about 3 weeks. The entire staff was blown away by how great he looked and how he filled out. His weight was at 9lbs and 3oz and he was about 23 1/4" long. He is FINALLY on the charts! 10% for weight and 50% for height.

We got the results of the bloodwork from today and his WBC went down to 9K! Holy crap! This is great! His monocytes went up to 13% and he is still showing some immature red blood cells. I asked him what this meant and he said that Z does not have any trends and it's a bit confusing but he will take confusing since he is doing so well. The boy likes to keep us all guessing. His red blood cell count and platelets are holding steady. We are still waiting on the bloodwork from CA. Come on already!!! But for now we will take what we can get and today is a good day.

Zachary is eating about 3.5 to 4 oz at a time and about 18 oz a day. I wanted to see if I stopped the cereal in his formula if he'd eat more. Well, that was a bad choice. He puked up both bottles after not puking for 3 days and then got a barky cough. I guess the cereal truly does help him keep it down and I just aggrevated his reflux. Nice one!

I go back to work next week and I am so ready for a routine. Ok I gotta run and feed Zachary.


Erin said...

I'm glad things are ok right now

Continued prayers

Doodle - said...

wooooo hooooo

small steps....


1Supergirl said...

Way to go Z!!!!
Judith and Darin

Julie said...

Wow! This is great news!
Continued prayers and positive thoughts for you all.

Sandy said...

YES!!! Go Z Go!
Many more prayers coming your way.

Sandy & Eddie

Denise said...

That is encouraging. (((hugs)))

msfitzita said...

That's amazing news!!! I'm so glad he's doing so well and getting so nice and big.

GO Zachary!!!
